Well, someone from the Telegraph has at least finally read the Chinon Parchment instead of just repeating what the sensationalists continue to spout.. Which he did, although he did not spit on the cross, by near it, according to his words. This having been done, some brother of the said Order, by the name of John, who afterwards became preceptor of de La Muce, took him to a certain part of that chapel, showed him a cross with an effigy of Christ, and ordered him to denounce the One whose image was depicted there. Then on the twentieth day of the month, in our presence, and in the presence of notaries and the same witnesses, brother-knight Jacques de Molay, grandmaster of  the Order of Knights Templar appeared personally and having sworn in the form and manner indicated above, and having been diligently questioned, said it has been forty-two years or thereabouts since he was received as a brother of the said Order by brother-knight Hubert de Pérraud, at the time Visitator of France and Poitou, in Beune, diocese of Autun, in the chapel of the local Templar commandery of that place. 2007 Published. When asked whether he had to kiss the receptor, he said that he did, only on the mouth. And as he pleaded so, brother Raymbaud denounced in our presence the abovementioned heresy, as well as any other heresy. When asked whether he knew if all brothers of the said Order were initiated in the same manner as he initiated others, he said that he did not know for sure about others, only about himself and those whom he initiated, because brothers are initiated in such secrecy that nothing can be known other than through those who are present. He took him aside holding a small cross under his cloak, and when all the brothers exited and they remained alone, that is this brother-servant and the speaker, this brother-servant showed this cross to the speaker who does not recall whether it bore the effigy of the crucifix or not, but believes however, that there was a crucifix either painted or carved. In the name of the Lord, amen. Helpful. And having acted according to the mandate and commissioned by the said Lord Supreme Pontific, we questioned the aforementioned grandmaster and the preceptors and examined them concerning the matters described above. When he was asked about the spitting on the cross and about the worshipped head, he said that he knew nothing, adding that he had never heard any mention of that head until he heard the lord Pope Clement speak of it this past year. In the early 14th century, after a long series of defeats in the Levant, the Order was charged with heresy by King Philip IV of France. Nereus and Achileus, and Stephanus, cardinal presbyter of St. Ciriacus in Therminis, and Landolf, cardinal deacon of St. Angel, declare through this official statement directed to all who will read it that since our most holy father and lord Clement, by divine providence the supreme pontific of the holy Roman and universal church, after receiving the word of mouth and also clamorous reports from the illustrious king of France and prelates, dukes, counts, barons and other subjects of the said kingdom, both noblemen and commoners, along with some brothers, presbyters, knights, preceptors and servants of the Templar order, had initiated an inquiry into matters concerning the brothers, [questions of Catholic faith] and the Rule of the said Order, because of which it suffered public infamy, the very same lord Pope wishing and intending to know the pure, complete and uncompromised truth from the leaders of the said Order, namely brother Jacques de Molay, grandmaster of the Order of Knights Tempar, brother Raymbaud de Caron, preceptor the commandaries of Templar Knights inOutremer, brother Hugo de Pérraud, preceptor of France, brother Geoffroy de Gonneville, preceptor of Aquitania and Poitou, and Geoffroy of Charny, preceptor of Normandy, ordered and commissioned us specifically and by his verbally expressed will in order that we might with diligence examine the truth by questioning the grandmaster and the aforementioned preceptors – one by one and individually, having summoned notaries public and trustworthy witnesses. Chinon Parchment translation W:. I will not resurrect the Chinon journalistic fiasco. When asked whether he believed that they were all initiated in this manner, he said that he believed that the same ritual is used while initiating others as it was used in his case and as he himself administered when he received others. And then, once he had been accepted in the order and the cloak of the order had been placed on his shoulders, the brother who performed the ceremony took him aside within the same chapel and showed him a crucifix with an effigy of Christ, and told him that he should not believe in the Crucified, but should in fact denounce Him. He also said that he confessed about the denunciation of the cross which he had done during the ceremony of induction and about being forced to do so by the brother performing the ceremony, to the Patriarch of Jerusalem of the time, and was absolved by him. It is finally made widely available here in its original Latin with a new English translation. (Courtesy author) States the Parchment: “When he (de Molay) was asked whether he had confessed to these [heretical allegations] due to a request, reward, gratitude, favor, fear, hatred or persuasion by someone else, or the use of force, or fear of impending torture, he replied that he did not. Unlike any other book I've read on the Templars, and I've read more than a few, this one contains the English translation of the Chinon Parchment, transcripts of the Templars Inquisition, which is a great way to close out a book and give everyone a good idea of what happened in those final days. see review. When asked about the ceremony through which he accepted them, he said that after they were received and given the cloaks of the Order, he ordered them to denounce the crucifix and to kiss him at the bottom of the back, in the navel and then on the mouth. Afterwards, this very brother Raymbaud standing on his knees with his hands folded asked for our forgiveness and mercy regarding the abovementioned deeds. The Chinon Parchment is a historical document discovered in September, 2001, by Barbara Frale, an Italian paleographer at the Vatican Secret Archives.On the basis of the Parchment, she has claimed that, in 1308, Pope Clement V absolved the last Grand Master, Jacques de Molay, and the rest of the leadership of the Knights Templar from charges brought against them by the Medieval Inquisition. When diligently questioned regarding the spitting on the cross, the practice of kissing, the vice of sodomy and the worshipped head, he replied that he knew nothing of it. With his hand on the Holy Gospel of the Lord he took an oath that he would speak pure and complete truth about himself as well individuals and brothers of the Order, and about the Order itself, concerning questions of Catholic faith and the Rule of the said Order, and also about five particular individuals and brothers of the Order. cartoccio. en The study of the parchment of Chinon attracted some international historians’ attention. When asked about the sin of sodomy, he said that he never was a part of it neither performing or enduring, and that he never heard that knights Templar engaged in this sin, apart from those three knights who had been punished by perpetual incarceration in Castle Pilgrim. He was inducted as a brother of the Order by brother Hubet de Perraud, his own father, a Visitator of the Templar commanderies in France and Poitou , who placed upon his shoulders the cloak of the said Order. 767 and Eminent Grand Commander of Raper Commandery No. After this oath, by the authority of lord Pope specifically granted to us for that purpose, we extended to this humbly asking brother Raymbaud, in a form accepted by the Church the mercy of absolution from the verdict of excommunication that had been incurred by the aforementioned deeds, restoring him to unity with the Church and reinstating him for communion of the faithful and sacraments of the Church. Tag Archives: Chinon Parchment Obligatory Templars Knew How to Pray Post. The present text is maintained here for continuity purposes, please refer to the published translation for research and references.) membranaceo. Asked about the age that he was in when accepted into the said Order, he replied that he was sixteen, seventeen or thereabouts. pergamena. He also said that he imposed on them to abstain from partnership with women, and, if they were unable to restrain their lust, to join themselves with brothers of the Order. When asked whether he accepted others into the Order, he replied that he did many times, and that he accepted more people than any other living member of the Order. In the early 14th century, aEer a long series of defeats in the Levant, the Order was charged with heresy by King Philip IV of France. Also, contains an excellent translation of the Chinon Parchment. Chinon, August 17-20, 1308 In the name of the Lord, amen. We, Berengar, by … After this oath, by the authority of lord Pope specifically granted to us for that purpose, we extended to this humbly asking brother Raymbaud, in a form accepted by the Church the mercy of absolution from the verdict of excommunication that had been incurred by the aforementioned deeds, restoring him to unity with the Church and reinstating him for communion of the faithful and sacraments of the Church. The Chinon Parchment shows how the pope wrestled with his conscience. see review. When he was asked about the names of these brothers he said that one had the name of Peter, but that he did not remember his family name. And also I, Arnulphe d’Orléans called le Ratif, notary by the power of the Holy Roman Church, observed with other aforementioned notaries and witnesses confessions, depositions and other each and every thing described above that occurred in the presence of the aforementioned reverend fathers lords cardinal presbyters, as well as what was done by their lordships just as it is shown above in fuller detail. 4.0 out of 5 stars Four Stars. When the newly received did not want to do so, the receptor told him multiple times that he should do so. The speaker also said that his denunciation did not come from the heart, but from the mouth. On the orders from these cardinal presbyters, for further assurance, I wrote underneath this record and sealed it with my seal. He also said that he confessed about the denunciation of the cross which he had done during the ceremony of induction and about being forced to do so by the brother performing the ceremony, to the Patriarch of Jerusalem of the time, and was absolved by him. On the same day, in our presence and the presence of notaries, as well as the witnesses listed below, brother Geoffroy de Gonneville personally appeared and was diligently questioned about the time and circumstances of his reception and about other matters described above. How the Templar Order survived legally, continuing its legal status through a lineage of Sovereign Succession, assisted by many Vatican Bishops and multiple Popes and Papal Bulls, into the modern era. On the orders from these cardinal presbyters, for further assurance, I wrote underneath this record and sealed it with my seal. When he was asked whether he had confessed due to a request, reward, gratitude, favor, fear, hatred or persuasion by someone else, or the use of force, or fear of impending torture, he replied that he did not. 1882 - Pergamena ricevuto presso l'UniversitÓ di Bologna, l'ereditÓ del suo archivio storico. One must always bear in mind that the sins which the knights Templars were accused were heretical in nature, thought and deed, and with the recent rediscovery of the Chinon parchment, the allegations leveled against the Templars seem to be well founded. In the early 14th century, aHer a long series of defeats in the Levant, the Order was charged with heresy by King Philip IV of France. When he was asked about the practice of kissing, he replied that the aforementioned brother Roncelin kissed him on the mouth when he received him as a brother; he said that he knew nothing about other kisses. In the early 14th century, aHer a long series of defeats in the Levant, the Order was charged with heresy by King Philip IV of France. The present text is maintained here for continuity purposes, please refer to the published translation for research and references.) We ordered Robert de Condet, cleric of the diocese of Soissons, a notary by apostolic power, who was among us together with notaries and witnesses listed below, to record and make public as evidence these confessions, as well as each and every thing described above that occurred in front of us, the notaries and the witnesses, and also everything done by us, exactly as it is shown above, and to validate it by attaching our seal. I hate to be so templar-cynical. And also I, Umberto Vercellani, cleric of Béziers, notary by apostolic power, observed with other notaries and witnesses each and every thing described above that occurred in the presence of the aforementioned lords cardinal presbyters, as well as what was done by their lordships cardinal presbyters just as it is shown above in fuller detail. When asked whether the brothers of the said Order were received into the order in the same manner he was received into it, he replied that he did not know that, because he never initiated anyone himself and did not see anyone being accepted in the Order other than two or three brothers. © 2010 – 2020 Allan M. Bryant all rights reserved. Ken Smith rated it really liked it Feb 17, 2016. 1 Knights Templar of Indianapolis just passed along a website link for an English translation of the Chinon Parchment , thereby saving you about $8,000 off of the Vatican edition. And as he pleaded so, brother Raymbaud denounced in our presence the abovementioned heresy, as well as any other heresy. After this, we concluded to extend the mercy of absolution for these acts to brother Geoffroy, who in the form and manner described above had denounced in our presence the described and any other heresy, and swore in person on the Lord’s Holy Gospel, and humbly asked for the mercy of absolution, restoring him to unity with the Church and reinstating him for communion of the faithful and sacraments of the Church. Also, he said that at the time of his induction, the novice kissed the recipient on the mouth and in his chest through the garment as a sign of reverence. (Chinon Parchment dated August 17-20, 1308) Raymbaud de Caron was the first to be interrogated, on August 17, 1308. And also I, Arnulphe d’Orléans called le Ratif, notary by the power of the Holy Roman Church, observed with other aforementioned notaries and witnesses confessions, depositions and other each and every thing described above that occurred in the presence of the aforementioned reverend fathers lords cardinal presbyters, as well as what was done by their lordships just as it is shown above in fuller detail. 1882 - Parchment received from the University of Bologna, the heritage of its historical archive. He refused, as much as he could, according to him. Diligently interrogated by us about the time and circumstances of his initiation in the order he said that it was been forty-thee years or thereabouts since he had been knighted and admitted into the Templar Order by brother Roncelin de Fos, at the time preceptor of Provence, in the town of Richarenchess, in the diocese of Carpentras or Saint-Paul-Trois-Châteaux, in the chapel of the local Templar commandery. 1314 Murdered. Phillipe Garver, Master of Lodge Vitruvian No. Regarding the sin of sodomy, the worshipped head and the practice of illicit kisses, he, diligently questioned, said that he knew nothing of that. The Chinon Parchment is a historical document, published by Étienne Baluze in Vitae Paparum Avenionensis ("Lives of the Popes of Avignon"), Paris, 1693. In the year of our Lord 1308, the 6th indiction, on the 17th day of August, in the 3d year of the pontificate of the said Pope Clement V, brother Raymbaud de Caron, preceptor the commandaries of Templar Knights in Outremer, was brought in front of us, the aforementioned fathers, to the town of Chinon of the Tours diocese. He said however that he did not know that for sure since when these things took place the newly received were taken aside so that other brothers who were present in the building would neither see nor hear what went on with them. Start He also said that although he himself instructed brothers of the order whom he initiated to join with other brothers, nevertheless he never did that, nor heard that anyone else commit this sin, except for the two or three brothers in Outremer who were incarcerated for this in Castle Pilgrim. When he was asked how old he was when he was made brother of the said Order he replied that he was seventeen years of age or thereabouts. In the early 14th century, after a long series of defeats in the Levant, the Order was charged with heresy by King Philip IV of France. Five high-ranking members of the Order, including its Grand Master Jacques de Molay, were also supposed to be delivered to the Curia, but they were diverted to Chinon (less than 60 miles away from Poitiers). When he was asked whether he had confessed to these things due to a request, reward, gratitude, favor, fear, hatred or persuasion by someone else, or the use of force, or fear of impending torture, he replied that he did not. English translation. The text has also been published by Barbara Frale in Il papato e il processo ai templari : l'inedita assoluzione de Chinon … Another attempt at milking modern Templar research for all its worth. And this brother-servant told the speaker: “You must denounce this one.” And the speaker, not believing himself to be committing a sin, said: “And so, I denounce.” That brother-servant also told the speaker that he should preserve purity and chastity, but if he could not do so, it was better to be done secretly than publicly. Photo: The English and Italian Translation showing its bookmark, the facsimile of the Chinon Parchment, and one of the engravings from the book. When asked whether any of the members newly received by him refused to perform the described spitting and other dishonest things listed above, he replied that only few, and eventually all did as ordered. With his hand on the Holy Gospel of the Lord he took an oath that he would speak pure and complete truth about himself as well individuals and brothers of the Order, and about the Order itself, concerning questions of Catholic faith and the Rule of the said Order, and also about five particular individuals and brothers of the Order. “Chinon Parchment” (1308 AD), Museum Replica by Vatican Secret Archives, “Processus Contra Templarios”, limited edition (2007) Vatican scholars always noted that most of the confessions were conflicting and contradictory, making them meaningless [20]. Further interrogated, he said that he believed that other brothers had been accepted into the Order in the same manner that he was. A paleographer is someone studies ancient writing systems and the deciphering, and dating of historical manuscripts. Chinon Parchment - Wikipedia The Knights Templar Absolution: The Chinon Parchment and the History of the Poor Knights of Christ. He replied that it has been twenty eight years or thereabouts since he was received as a brother of the Order of the Knights Templar by brother-knight Robert de Torville, preceptor of the commandaries of the Templar order in England , in the city of London , at the chapel of the local commandery. Late brother Elzie and Gertrude Ison and validated by the papacy the said Order through the ceremony. Was depicted there only once denounced him verbally, but not in.. Heritage of its historical archive St. Magdalene is the second son in rather... Look at what it was never imposed on him and he never committed it attempt at milking Templar! Tag Archives: Chinon Parchment Obligatory Templars Knew How to Pray post he,... 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